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BOOK A COURT28 courts across 6 locations

Book a court

Everyone is welcome to play on the All Star Tennis courts across Wandsworth and in doing so joins the All Star community as member – free of charge. People looking to play more regularly can join the Member Plus scheme and enjoy discounts on all bookings as well as 14 day advanced court booking.

Use the drop-downs below to find your court. The following abbreviations correspond to each location: FR (Furzedown Rec), KGP (King Georges Park), LG (Leaders Gardens), TC (Tooting Common), WC (Wandsworth Common), and WP (Wandsworth Park).

Court Packs

Exclusively available for Member Plus players

25th Anniversry Special

25 Pack
£ 197
  • Save up to £6.20 an hour!
  • Valid for 12 months


10 Pack
£ 85
  • Save up to £5.45 an hour!
  • Valid for 3 months


5 Pack
£ 45
  • Save up to £5 an hour!
  • Valid for 3 months

Make the most of your time on court

Join today to enjoy exclusive access to court packs and lots more

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